1,What’s the news about Madeleine McCann? Has she been found?
No,she has not found.
2,What does “bread and circuses” mean in Japanese? Who first used that expression? Write your answers on your blog.
パンとサーカス(bread and circuses)は、詩人ユウェナリスが古代ローマ社会の世相を揶揄して詩篇中で使用した表現。権力者から無償で与えられる「パン(=食糧)」と「サーカス(=娯楽)」によって、ローマ市民が政治的盲目に置かれていることを指摘した。「パンと見世物」ともいう。なお、「サーカス」は英語読みであり、本来は"キルケンセス"(circenses)。「キルケンセス」は古代ローマの競馬場であり、戦車競争が行なわれた。ここからこの言葉では拡大して剣闘士試合などを含めた娯楽一般の意味で用いられている。ちなみに、オットリーノ・レスピーギの『ローマの祭』第1曲『チルチェンセス』はこの「キルケンセス」に由来する。
3,Find an example of “bread and circuses” in today’s news: the news story must be in English. Writ the URL of the story. Explain on your blog why you think this story is an example of “bread and circuses”.
bread and circuses
A phrase used by a Roman writer to deplore the declining heroism of Romans after the Roman Republic ceased to exist and the Roman Empire began: “Two things only the people anxiously desire—bread and circuses.” The government kept the Roman populace happy by distributing free food and staging huge spectacles. (See Colosseum.)
‡ “Bread and circuses” has become a convenient general term for government policies that seek short-term solutions to public unrest.
4,On your blog, list 10 words or expressions that you learned in this news story.
derogatory 傷つけるような
decadent , 退屈的な、堕落していく、デカタン派の芸術家
citizenry, 一般市民、庶民
commonly, 一般に、普通には、
high-availability food 高可用性食物
concern 関係する、関心がある。
exclusion of matters 問題の除外
short-term government 短期政府
palliatives 弁解する、一時しのぎ。
significant 重大な、重要な、
5,Find another news story that you think is NOT “bread and circuses”. Explain your reason on your blog. Write the URL. List 10 words or expressions that you learned in this story.
Oil Above $67 on Gas Supply ConcernsThursday June 14, 6:24 pm ET By John Wilen, AP Business Writer
Oil Prices Pass $67 a Barrel on Concerns About Domestic Gasoline Supplies
NEW YORK (AP) -- Domestic crude oil closed above $67 a barrel Thursday for the first time since September on continuing concerns that the refining industry is not producing enough gasoline to meet summer driving demand.
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