

Agglutination continues on barricading of Aichi, outbreak the second day  I continued barricading to a hostage with former wife who lived together without accepting persuasion of Aichi prefectural police even if it was it from case outbreak as for the suspect Hisato Obayashi (50) by a firing barricading case of Mayor of Aichi Kute-cho in only the morning of 18th more than half day. A police officer shot at in the night of 17th dies in before dawn of 18th. Four people including two police officers became development to be killed or injured. An elementary and junior high school of the town let a child / a student stand by at home, and perplexity spread around the spot.
 According to the prefectural police, the second daughter of suspect hurt Obayashi contacted suspect Obayashi on the telephone from the morning of 18th and tried persuasion. Investigators of one section of investigation deal with persuasion, and the suspect raises a voice and says that an excited state disappears.
 The second daughter talked with former wife, forest Michiko (50) of the suspect with mother becoming a hostage on the telephone, but the state that forest agrees with the suspect, and there is me in a room, and do injuries is a design of the safety to cry.
 Prefectural police establishes 50 task forces less than division director. By 170 systems, I surrounded the suspect's house outskirts sequentially on the site and regulated it so that inhabitants did not approach. (11:42)

 愛知県長久手町の発砲立てこもり事件で、大林久人容疑者(50)は事件発生から半日以上たった18日朝になっても、愛知県警の説得に応じることなく、同居している元妻を人質に立てこもりを続けた。17日夜に銃撃された警察官は18日未明に死亡。警官2人を含む4人が死傷する展開となった。同町の小中学校は児童・生徒を自宅待機させるなど現場周辺では困惑が広がった。 県警によると、けがをした大林容疑者の次女が18日朝から大林容疑者に電話で連絡をとり、説得を試みた。捜査一課の捜査員らも説得に当たっており、同容疑者は声を荒らげたり、興奮したりする様子はなくなってきているという。 次女は人質になっている母で、同容疑者の元妻、森三智子さん(50)とも電話で話したが、森さんは同容疑者と同じ部屋におり、けがなどをしている様子はなく、無事のもよう。 県警は本部長以下50人の対策本部を設置。現場では170人体制で、引き続き同容疑者宅周辺を包囲して、住民らが近づかないよう規制した。(11:42)

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